Dear Parents,
We had a great start to the Year 5 camp. Nice dry, cool weather greeted campers along with the smiling counselors as the buses rolled in right on time this morning. The first order of business was to get the campers checked into their tents and show them around their living areas. Soon, we were all gathered in the main hall to go over the day's schedule and all of the important camp safety rules. Then it was off to the first activity. Teams had one activity before lunch and then two more after. Campers followed this schedule.
Red Team: Check in/rules, river tracing, lunch, orienteering, wide game
Blue Team: Check in/rules, fire making, lunch, river tracing, wide game
Green Team: Check in/rules, archery, lunch, fire making, wide game
Yellow Team: Check in/rules, rock climbing, lunch, archery, wide game
Brown Team: Check in/rules, cooperative games, lunch, rock climbing, wide game
Orange Team: Check in/rules, zip line, lunch, cooperative games, wide game
Right now, campers are finishing up their showers and will then head to the main hall for dinner. After dinner, campers write about their day in the camp journal before we begin our evening program. Tonight's evening program is the opening campfire. We will sing songs, play games, and, of course, roast marshmallows for S'mores.
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Here is a Dropbox link for photos. We will update them periodically throughout the camp.