The kids woke up bright and early for a big breakfast of bacon and eggs and cheese sandwiches. Then they were shuffled off to a full day of activities. We continued with the activity rotations from yesterday.
The campers had the following schedule:
Blue team: Giant Swing, Crafts, and Archery
Pink team: Ecology, Giant Swing, and Climbing
Yellow team: Zip line, Ecology, and Orienteering
Green team: Archery, Zip Line, and Crafts
Orange team: Climbing, Archery, and Giant Swing
Hopefully, you found the photos of your kids yesterday, so you know what team they are on.
The weather today was pretty much a repeat of yesterday. It looked dark and scary, but except for a few brief showers, it didn't rain much at all. We are very happy with that.
For the final activity period the campers all played another wide game. Today's wide game was a water wide game called Gold Rush. The campers have to find pieces of gold spread around camp and get them back to their base without getting caught by the police. The police are the teacher and counselors who are armed with water guns. If they shoot a camper, the camper has to drop the pieces of gold and cannot pick them up again. The team that gets the most gold to their base is the winning team.
After the water wide game, they all went off to take a shower so they could get warm and dry. They are just finishing up dinner now. They will spend a bit of time writing in their journals and then we will have our "party night" evening program. Counselors and teachers set up a series of carnival type games for the kids to play. It usually ends in a big dance party. The kids love it and are very excited.
Below is the link to today's photos. For your children's privacy, the password to the blog will be changed and the link will be removed from the blog when the next school arrives at Camp. However, the link will remain active, so if you copy and save it, you will be able to view or download the photos for the foreseeable future.
Dropbox link