It was another nice day here at Camp Taiwan. It looked like it might rain for a while, but the weather was nice enough to hold off until we finished our activity periods.
The campers had the following schedule today:
Red team: cooperative games, climbing, and archery
Pink team: Climbing, archery, and crafts,
Light blue: Archery, crafts, and table-top games,
Green team: crafts, table-top games, and cooperative games
Orange team: Table-top games, cooperative games, and climbing.
For the last activity period of the day, we played a wide game. Wide games are games that all the campers play together. Today we played Rainbow tag. Each camper is given a bandanna that they must hang from their pocket. They then have to catch the other campers by grabbing their bandana. However, they have to catch them in the sequence of the colors of the rainbow. So you never know who is trying to catch you. It is a lot of fun. Pictures from the wide game will be in a special folder called "whole-camp activities."
Tonight we will have our weekly movie night. After three days of fun in the sun, the campers need a bit of restful downtime. We make popcorn and watch the movie in the dining hall. Tonight's movie is Brother Bear.
That is all for today. Please be sure to check out the pictures of today's events.
Good night from Camp Taiwan