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  • Dave

TES Y7 Day 1: Beautiful Weather

We had six buses of excited campers roll into camp this morning. Traffic delayed their arrival a little, so we ushered them right into the dining hall for a quick snack and orientation before heading out to their first activities.

The teams had the following activities in the morning:

  • Red Team Designed some nice tie dye shirts as a reminder of their trip to camp.

  • Blue team had climbing. For climbing this week, we are doing the Giant Ladder, which is suitable for kids this age and older. It requires some cooperation and a little bit of height.

  • Green Team had Giant swing.

  • Yellow team began with archery.

  • Brown team had cooperative games. These are a variety of games that require some cooperation, problem solving, and teamwork to complete the task.

  • Gray team had sports. For sports this week, we are playing Ultimate Frisbee. We always try to pick sports that the campers may not have tried before so that everyone starts from the same level.

We took a break for a big lunch of spaghetti and quesadillas. After lunch, they have a break for about an hour. This gives the kids a chance to wind down and rest, and also to get settled into their tents and unpacked.

In the afternoon, they have another round of activities:

Red and Blue teams: River tracing in the "big" river.

Green team: Cooperative games and sports

Yellow team: Sports and cooperative games

Brown team: Giant Swing and archery

Gray team: Archery and Giant swing

If you want to know more about these activities, you can find a brief description here.

The campers have taken their showers and are having dinner at the moment. After dinner, we will have a campfire program. We will sing some traditional songs, play some games, and of course, roast some marshmallows for s'mores. It is great fun.

Below is a link to pictures of your children. You should be able to view and download the pictures without any needing any further access or approval. You can find your children by looking at the group photos and identifying what team they are on. You can then look in the team folder with the same name. (We didn't really take a group photo of each team, but I tried to get a picture with as many people as possible. It may not work 100%. My apologies if your child is not in the group photo.) On the last day there will be a whole camp activity. Photos for that will be in a separate folder. Please note that for your children's privacy, they links will be removed from the blog when the next school group arrives. However, if you copy and save the link, it will remain active. Here is the link to the photos.


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