Dear Parents,
Our nice weather continued today. It was a spot cooler than yesterday so very comfortable. Campers were up early as they were excited to be in a new environment. The morning bell rang at 7 and we all gathered in the main hall for a big breakfast at 7:30. After the meal, campers returned to their tents to get ready for a long day of activities. Campers had two activity periods before lunch and two more after.
Blue Team: Giant swing, crafts, lunch, orienteering, wide game
Red Team: Ecology, giant swing, lunch, crafts, wide game
Yellow Team: Zip line, ecology, lunch, giant swing, wide game
Green Team: Archery, zip line, lunch, ecology, wide game
Orange Team: Rock climbing, archery, lunch, zip line, wide game
Campers are getting clean (hopefully) for dinner. Soon we will all gather again in the main hall. After dinner, we will write in our journals and then it's time for our last evening program -- party night! Campers will listen to music and play night-market-style games. Hopefully, we will tire them out enough so they sleep in until the morning bell!
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Here is a Dropbox link for photos. We will update them periodically throughout the camp.