After a successful campfire, the kids had a good night's sleep. The teachers reported that they went to bed without too much trouble. They seemed bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning and ready for a great day.
We continued with the activity rotations from yesterday. The color teams had the following schedules:
Blue team: Giant Swing, Crafts, and Archery
Pink team: Ecology, Giant Swing, and Climbing
Yellow team: Zip Line, Ecology, and Orienteering
Green team: Archery, Zip Line, and Crafts
Orange team: Climbing, Archery, and Giant Swing
For our fourth activity period, we had a water wide game called Gold Rush. The gold thieves (campers) have to get a stash of gold (ball-pool balls) back to their secret base without being caught by the police (counselors and teachers) who will be patrolling the area with water guns. If they are hit with a water gun, they have to drop their gold for someone else to pick up and go find some other gold elsewhere.
After a shower and dinner the campers spent some time writing in their journals. They are just finishing that up and will begin our "party night." This is where we have a series of carnival-style games for kids to play. The night usually ends in a big dance party and is one of the highlights of the trip.
You can find photos at the same link as yesterday. I have re-included it here for your convenience
Good night from Camp Taiwan