Our third group of eager third graders arrived this morning to beautiful sunny, but crisp and cool weather. It is perfect for a couple of days at camp.
They participated in a wide game called infection with the outgoing group 2. In this game, each student is given a colored bandana to wear. One person is "it" and tries to catch anyone with a bandana. If a camper with a bandana is caught, they are also "it". The winners are any players that still have their bandana at the end of the game and/or the person (or people) who has captured the most bandanas. It is great fun and good exercise.
After a big lunch with both groups, group three went off for a bit of a rest while we had closing ceremonies with group two. We sent them home with stickers for their sticker cards. We expect they will sleep well tonight. A note to parents: Sticker cards are meant to be a way for the kids to collect activity stickers over multiple visits. If you know where their sticker cards are from previous visits, you can let them add their new stickers. If they come home with a new sticker card, please be sure that it is stored in a safe place so they can add stickers on future visits.
Group three participated in the following activities:
Red team: Wide game (Infection), Giant swing, Archery, Ecology
Blue team: Wide game (Infection), Orienteering, Giant Swing, Archery
Yellow team: Wide game (Infection),Archery, Rock climbing, Orienteering
(A brief description of these activities is included at the end of this blog.)
The campers looked happy and tired after a full day of activities. They are headed off to the showers to get ready for dinner. After dinner, we will have our regular campfire program ending with everyone's favorite, s'mores.
Good night from Camp Taiwan.
Here are Dropbox links to photos of your children in Group 2 and Group 3 participating in activities. (For privacy reasons, we will remove this link from the blog when the next school arrives at Camp Taiwan. However, the link to Dropbox will remain active. If you copy the link, you will still be able to view it at your convenience.)
Below is a brief description of the activities.
Rock Climbing: Campers can try their hand at climbing our 13 meter climbing wall or cargo net. All climbers are belayed by a counselor for safety.
Ecology: We have a variety of ecology programs for different ages. This year, we are focusing on aquatic life. Campers will have the opportunity to catch shrimp or frogs in the pools around camp.
Giant Swing: Campers get to test their metal on Camp Taiwan's legendary Giant Swing. You'll just have to wait for your kids to describe this experience to you.
Archery: A classic camp activity. We give brief instructions on safety and proper technique and then let campers try their luck. Usually, there is sufficient time for a brief competition.
Orienteering: Campers are given a map and a challenge. They have to find a series of clues to solve a puzzle.
Wide Game: Wide games involve all campers participating together.