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  • Writer's pictureMike

TAS Grade 2 Group 3

Updated: May 27

We were remarkably lucky with the weather today. We arrived at camp expecting a very wet day, but by the time the campers arrived, there was just a foggy mist. I can't say that it has been sunny today, but the rain has mostly held off. It has been much better than we expected.

The children arrived full of smiles and excited about what, for most of them, is their first trip to camp. We got them a quick snack and gave them a bit of an orientation before sending them off to their first activities.

The schedule for today consists of four activities. All campers do the same activities, but they rotate through them in groups, so they are doing them at different times.

The campers are introduced to our climbing wall with a session of bouldering. In this activity, they get to try climbing on the wall, but they never get far from the ground, so harnesses and ropes are not needed.

Frisbee Golf is a popular game in many areas. Campers have to follow a course and hit a series of targets or "holes" with a frisbee. The kids have varying degrees of proficiency with a Frisbee, so it is a good challenge for some of them. They all have a good time.

Ecology is one of the cornerstones of our program here at Camp Taiwan. The children have been learning about insects in school, so they are very curious and they enjoy getting their hands on some of the critters around camp.

Finally, they have a period of crafts. In this session they are taught to make several creations out of pipe cleaners. They learned to make a bouquet of flowers, a chameleon, and an octopus.

We will have them on the bus shortly on their way back to you. Be sure to ask them about their day.

Goodbye from Camp Taiwan.

Here is a link to photos in Dropbox of your children participating in activities. These photos should be visible to you with the link. No further access to Dropbox is required. (For privacy reasons, we will remove this link from the blog when the next school arrives at Camp Taiwan. However, the link to Dropbox will remain active. If you copy the link, you can still view it at your convenience.)


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