Dear Parents,
We had a nice start to Session 4 with great weather and happy campers. After meeting in Taipei and boarding the buses, we headed off to camp. Once there, more smiling counselors greeted campers as they arrived and soon campers were touring their living areas, unpacking, and checking in with the camp nurse.
Teams played name games and ice breakers to get to meet their new tent mates. Before long, we all gathered in the main hall and I went over the important safety rules of camp and properly welcomed everyone to Session 4. Teams had two activity periods after lunch time rest.
Teams followed this schedule today.
Red Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, crafts, rock climbing
Orange Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, cooperative games, crafts
Brown Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, giant swing, cooperative games
Yellow Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, ecology, Pillo Polo
Pink Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, Pillo Polo, giant swing
Gray Team (Teens): Arrive, check-in, lunch, rock climbing, archery
Campers are getting cleaned up after a busy afternoon. Once they are all smelling better, we will have dinner followed by journal writing in the main hall. Tonight's evening program is the opening campfire. Campers will sing songs, play games, and roast marshmallows for S'mores.
We will continue to update parents about the storm south of Taiwan. Today's news seemed much better for us. Fingers crossed...
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m. Please note, many more photos will be uploaded throughout the week at different times. Be patient as events at camp can lead to busy counselors and directors and might delay uploads from time to time. On Saturday morning, we will upload the weekly videos for this session.