Dear Parents,
Our last full day of camp was lots of fun. Campers are starting to feel the heat, so we made an effort to keep them out of the sun as much as possible today. Being in a jungle with lots of trees makes that a little easier. The younger campers are actually proving to be the most energetic as the week nears its end!
Teams followed this schedule today.
Orange Team: Zip line, ecology, lunch, Happy Happy Joy Joy, relax session
Green Team: Crafts, zip line, lunch, Happy Happy Joy Joy, relax session
Campers are showering. Soon they will all return to the dining room for dinner and journals. We will have our closing campfire tonight. It's another opportunity for kids to sing songs, play games, and roast marshmallows for S'mores. It's hard to believe campers will be leaving us tomorrow. Remember, pick up time is about 3 p.m. at the same location that the buses picked up the campers on Sunday morning.
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m. Videos are created and edited throughout the week and typically uploaded to the Dropbox folder on the morning of the last day of camp.