Dear Parents,
Lovely weather greeted campers on the first day of Session 6. The day got started in Taipei as the buses collected our campers and headed to camp right on time. Once at camp, more counselors were awaiting campers to lead them through the check-in process and to introduce them to their home-away-from-home for the next six days. After some warm-up games and ice-breakers, we were soon all gathered in the dining room for lunch. We went over important Camp Taiwan rules and safety guidelines and then campers headed to their tents for a rest before our core activity rotation began in the afternoon.
Teams followed this schedule today.
Red Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, giant swing, Pillo Polo
Green Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, Pillo Polo, giant swing
Blue Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, river tracing, archery
Brown Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, cooperative games, crafts
Gray Team (Teens): Arrive, check-in, lunch, cooperative games, rock climbing
Right now, campers are finishing up their second afternoon activity. They will then head to the showers and get cleaned up for dinner. After dinner, campers will write about their day in their camp journals and then we have our opening campfire. It should be a great way to end the first day of camp.
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
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