Dear Parents,
More great weather made the last full day of camp lots of fun. Today was free choice activity day. After our morning meetings, counselors woke the campers up and made sure they were ready for the day's activities. Soon, we were at breakfast getting the energy to get us through the day.
Today's free choice activities were rock climbing, zipline, pond/water play, balloon art, and archery. For those campers who chose rock climbing or archery a second time, they had the opportunity to try and pass a level one or level two test in each discipline.
Right now campers are finishing up the last of their three free choice activities. Soon, they will gather with their color teams and counselors to practice for tonight's closing campfire. After our closing ceremony, we will have a camp talent show. Each team will compete for the coveted Oscar Award which is given out tomorrow when we watch the slideshows and videos from the week before boarding buses back to Taipei. It is hard to believe tonight is the last night. Session Five has flown by!
Goodnight from Camp Taiwan
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