Dear Parents,
It was cloudy and cool at camp today. Campers woke up on time and after the morning staff meeting, counselors met with campers and prepared them for the day's schedule. Today, in addition to the core activity rotation, campers also had Tent Time. During Tent Time, the campers and counselors join in an activity of their choosing based on what the campers want to do. Some will play sports, some will play games, and one team even painted the camp car. Teams participated in two activities before lunch and two more after. They followed this schedule.
Red Team: Zipline, Pillo Polo, Lunch/Rest, Wide Game, Tent Time
Orange Team: Table Games, Zipline, Lunch/Rest, Wide Game, Tent Time
Brown Team: Archery, Table Games, Lunch/Rest, Wide Game, Tent Time
Gray Team: Big River Tracing, Lunch/Rest, Tent Time, Slackline
We are in the last activity period of the afternoon. We have a relaxing evening program tonight. Campers and counselors will watch a movie on the big screen. It is a good opportunity for campers to recharge their battery and overcome some tired legs before we start the home stretch of the week.
Good night from Camp Taiwan
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m.