Dear Parents,
The weather today was much better as campers enjoyed their second day of camp, but the first full day. Camp was fairly quiet when counselors began their meetings at 645 am today. By seven, campers were up and getting ready for their day. After brushing their teeth and getting dressed, counselors had tent meetings with their campers to go over the day's schedule. Campers had two activities before lunch and then two more after.
Teams followed this schedule.
Purple Team: Archery, river tracing, lunch, wide game, tent time
Red Team: Giant swing, rock climbing, lunch, wide game, tent time
Yellow Team: Rock climbing, giant swing, lunch, wide game, tent time
Blue Team: River tracing, archery, lunch, wide game, tent time
Gray Team (teens) 1: Geo caching, rock climbing, lunch, giant swing, archery
Gray Team (teens) 2: Rock climbing, Geo caching, lunch, archery, giant swing
Youth campers had tent time in the afternoon. That is a chance for campers to do an activity just with their tent mates and counselor. It also gives them the opportunity to play an activity they don't normally get to do. Some groups will play Spike Ball, some are playing badminton. One tent is even painting the camp car with water colors. I can't wait to see the paint job.
Tonight's evening program will depend on the weather. After dinner and journals, we will either have our night wide game or move movie night ahead to tonight. We will play it by ear.
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan,
As for the Dropbox link below, not all folders will have pictures added every day. The first few days, most pictures are sorted by team, not activity. Some activities lead to more picture taking opportunities. If some teams have more pictures than other teams, we will try and even it out by the end of the week (but no promises!!). We do our best, but our main concern is your campers' safety and programming, pictures are a distant fourth or fifth (even though they may be number one to you). Please note, we will not reply to emails about photos. Enjoy.
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m.