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Session 7 Day 1: New Adventures

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

A fresh group of campers rolled into camp this morning. We got them unpacked and spent the morning playing name and ice-breaker games. By the time lunch rolled around, the campers are acquainted with each other and their counselors.

After lunch, they had a rest hour. This serves two purposes. It gets them out of the sun for the hottest part of the day. It also allows them a chance to get to know each other in smaller groups. They can choose their own activities during rest hour, as long as is relatively quiet. Many of the tent groups opt to play cards or other quiet games. Some people spend the time reading or taking a nap.

After lunch, we began our regular rotation activities. You can find a description some of the regular activities here.

Tonight, we had our opening campfire. We sing songs, play some campfire games, and roast marshmallows for S'mores.

Below, you will find a link to photos. A note about photos: We give each team a camera with which to take photos during activities. They try their best to get good photos, but their first priority is managing the campers to be sure everyone is being safe and having fun. It is also important to remember that children act differently when being photographed. Some children turn to the camera and smile for a photo, while others turn away and hide their faces. We will take as many photos as we can and try our best to get photos of everyone's children eventually, but your understanding is appreciated.

Link to photos. (This link should allow you to view and download pictures without any further access or sign-in required.)


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