By the time you see this, your beloved campers will be back in your midst, so we will let them tell you about their adventures. They can do a much better job than we can.
We wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for trusting us with your child's care this past week. It is an honor and a responsibility we do not take lightly. It has been a great group of kids, and we have enjoyed every minute. We hope that you enjoy hearing your children's stories as much as we enjoyed being a part of creating them.
As promised, here is a link to the entire week's photos. Included is a weekly slideshow and video. I suggest you watch them with your children. It is a great way to share in their experience. Be sure to copy the link so that you can access the photos in the future. 請務必複製連接,以便您將來可以下載這些照片. Link to photos
That is all from Camp Taiwan. We hope to see you next year.
PS. We have a favor to ask of you. We depend heavily on word of mouth. If your child enjoyed their time at camp, please help us to spread the word by telling your friends, or by sharing photos and our page on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you in advance.