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Session 5 Day 2: Settling into routines


Updated: Nov 5, 2024

We awoke to a beautiful sunny day in the mountains of Wan-li. The kids woke up early, as is the norm for the first morning at camp. They will be tired tonight and we will have to roust them out of bed tomorrow.

Campers had a full day of action packed activities today as we started our regular rotation. The color teams had the following activities:

Red team: Crafts, river tracing, ecology, and tent time

Pink team: River tracing, ecology, Giant Swing, and tent time

Light blue team: Ecology, Giant swing, sports, and tent time

Orange team: Sports, crafts, river tracing, and tent time

Green team: Giant Swing, sports, crafts, and tent time

By now, you are probably wondering what tent time is. This is a time when campers can do something that specifically interests them in smaller groups. Instead of doing an activity as a whole color team, which consists of 2 to 3 tents, they can do an activity with just their tentmates. Nail decorating is a popular activity among the girls, while the boys tend tend to prefer things like dodgeball or soccer. One tent elected to extend their river tracing time and explore the creatures living in the stream.

The campers have showered and are enjoying their dinner now. After dinner, they will spend a bit of time writing in their journals before playing the first night game of the week. Tonight's game is Bigfoot. It is a game where the campers travel in groups and challenge counselors. The campers invariably lose the first round or two, but eventually, they learn the strategy and begin to work together. Once that happens, they win quite quickly. It is a lot of fun for the campers and it is rewarding as a counselor to see the campers strategize and figure the game out.

We hope you have been enjoying the photos.


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+886 2 2771 7711

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Tues. - Thur.  9:00 a.m. – noon local time

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+886 2 2771 7711

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No. 6-1, Keng Tou, Wan-Li, New Taipei City, Taiwan 207

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