Thank you to all of you who have worked with us to receive your children and send them back to camp. We regret the inconvenience, but given the two days of heavy rain, it does appear to have been the best decision.
After we re-settled all the campers in their tents, we spent the morning playing a series of cooperative games. These allow campers to work together and practice strategizing and critical thinking skills, especially for the older campers.
In the afternoon, the red and pink teams got a lesson in the basics of archery. For those who choose this as their free choice activity later in the week, they will have the opportunity to hone their skills further and test for a level one sticker. The green team spent the afternoon on the zipline, one of the highlights of the week at camp.
For the second period in the afternoon, the youth campers played a series of mini-wide games. Wide games are where all the campers participate together rather than in their teams. Today was also the day for the water-wide game, so they got to splash and spray.
The teens had their outdoor skills and cooking class this afternoon. They learned to kindle a fire and cook bamboo rice and barbecued meat. It is quite a treat.
Here is the link for the photos. By the way, if you haven't seen the Day 2 photos, be sure to check those out as well. My apologies for the late posting of Day 2. I wrote the blog and uploaded the pictures, but I found the blog entry in the draft folder yesterday.