(To be Announced)
Our winter camps are similar to our summer camps with a few differences. Instead of 6D/5N, winter camps are an abbreviated 3D/2N experience. This allows us to offer more over the winter holidays and makes it the perfect camp for newcomers who are experiencing camp for the first time. Returning campers will enjoy old camp favorites and new activities specially tailored to winter camp. Winter camps alternate between indoor and outdoor activities.
Classic Camp Taiwan
A camp dedicated to all the best traditions of North American summer camps. Includes core activities like climbing, giant swing, crafts, and more. Wide games, songs, and team spirit activities are drawn from decades of camp culture. Check out the 3D/2N schedule.
Please note, there are some non-refundable charges after completing registration. Read our CAMP TAIWAN NOTICE for a breakdown and explanation.
Winter Sessions
Session 1
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
Session 2
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
Session 3
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
Off-season office hours (Tue. - Thu. 9 am - 12 pm)
+886 2 2771 7711