Dear Parents,
The great weather continued as campers and counselors got their second wind for a very active fourth day of camp. Today was the first day of free choice activities for campers in youth camp. They left the comfort of their own teams and got to join in activities with campers from other teams. Campers chose from archery (for levels), rock climbing (for levels), zip line, pond play, crafts, dance, basketball, and table top games. These free choice activities continue tomorrow. Youth campers had three activity periods today plus a camp wide game in the afternoon.
Teen campers spent the whole morning in the big river that runs through camp for a half-day river tracing activity. They returned at lunch and had a rest before joining in on the wide game with the youth campers.
Right now campers are showering and getting ready for dinner. After dinner and journals, it is party night! We will listen to music and play traditional, night-market-style games. We may even have a cool treat for them!
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m. Please note, many more photos will be uploaded throughout the week at different times. Be patient as events at camp can lead to busy counselors and directors and might delay uploads from time to time. On Saturday morning, we will upload the weekly videos for this session.