Dear Parents,
It started off as a super hot day for Session 3, but soon after reaching camp, the skies opened and we got the first real rainfall of summer. It made me very happy. The temperature dropped a few degrees and you could see the flora getting greener as it rained. It didn't last long, but, hopefully, the effect on the temperature will continue a bit.
Campers were greeted by smiling counselors as the buses pulled in to camp. We led them to their tent cabins and helped them unpack. Counselors gave them little tours of the living areas and then each team checked in with the camp nurse. Soon, teams were playing ice breakers and name games to help campers meet some of the new people with whom they will be living this week.
Before long, we were at the main hall ready for lunch. We went over some important camp safety rules and I explained to all the campers (especially the boys) what our behavior expectations are -- hopefully, I do not need to call any parents this week (aside from the mid-week update)!
Teams followed this schedule today.
Red Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, crafts, rock climbing
Orange Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, cooperative games, crafts
Brown Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, giant swing, cooperative games
Yellow Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, ecology, Pillo Polo
Pink Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, Pillo Polo, giant swing
Light Blue Team: Arrive, check-in, lunch, river hike, ecology
Gray Team (A) (Teens): Arrive, check-in, lunch, rock climbing, archery
Gray Team (B) (Teens): Arrive, check-in, lunch, archery, rock climbing
Campers are having showers now after a long first day of camp. Soon they will head to the main hall for dinner and then write in their journals. After journals, it is time for our evening program. Tonight is the opening campfire. We will sing songs, play games, and, of course, roast marshmallows for S'mores!
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m. Please note, many more photos will be uploaded throughout the week at different times. Be patient as events at camp can lead to busy counselors and directors and might delay uploads from time to time. On Saturday morning, we will upload the weekly videos for this session.