Dear Parents,
I am beginning to worry that the good weather this week means the rest of the summer may not be as nice. Hopefully, that is not the case, but there is no denying the Mandarin Camp campers have lucked out so far. Aside from being sunny, we've also had a nice consistent breeze. That has kept it cooler in the mornings which means campers sleep comfortably (and quietly) until the morning bell. After breakfast this morning, we got right into activities. The Orange Team had the big river this morning so were out from breakfast until lunch.
Teams followed this schedule today.
Orange Team: Big River Tracing, lunch, relay games, tent time
Green Team: Frisbee Golf, river tracing, lunch, relay games, tent time
All the campers were together in the afternoon for the relay games. Then campers chose fun activities to do in smaller tent groups with their counselors. Some sat in the river to cool off, some played badminton -- there were lots of options. Campers are on their way to showers now. Tonight's evening program is movie night! Campers get a much needed rest as they can relax and watch a movie on the big screen with popcorn as we hit the halfway point of camp. Tomorrow, campers will go to the local elementary school adjacent to camp to make ZhongZi for Dragon Boat Festival.
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m. Videos are created and edited throughout the week and typically uploaded to the Dropbox folder on the morning of the last day of camp.