Dear Parents,
As we reach the halfway point of camp, campers are feeling the pace and starting to settle into a nice rythmn. It has been markedly cooler this week than it was last week (much to everyone's comfort and delight!). Today was the final day of our core activity rotation by team. We do have a few make up activities in the morning for a couple of teams who missed one period yesterday due to weather.
Teams followed this schedule today.
Red Team: Archery, giant swing, lunch, cooperative games, wide game
Orange Team: Rock climbing, rugby, lunch, giant swing, wide game
Brown Team: Crafts, ecology, lunch, rugby, wide game
Yellow Team: Giant swing, archery, lunch, river hike, wide game
Pink Team: Cooperative games, river hike, lunch, ecology, wide game
Light Blue Team: Rugby, rock climbing, lunch, archery, wide game
Gray Team (A) (Teens): Kayaking, lunch, table games, orienteering
Gray Team (B) (Teens): Table games, orienteering, lunch, kayaking
I am a bit late with the blog tonight because my computer was taken for movie night. Halfway through the week, we give the kids (and counselors) the chance to kick back, relax, and watch a movie -- popcorn and all. It is a great way to recharge batteries as we head into the second half of camp.
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan.
Please find a Dropbox Link below. Photos will be uploaded to this folder every evening -- usually by 8 p.m. Please note, many more photos will be uploaded throughout the week at different times. Be patient as events at camp can lead to busy counselors and directors and might delay uploads from time to time. On Saturday morning, we will upload the weekly videos for this session.